Friday, May 22, 2009

How Do You Consider Blogging?

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Some people consider it as a waste of time, some people think that it’s a way to run from reality to cyberspace, but it’s not necessarily so. In fact, some people are serious about blogging and consider it as a hobby, channeling their passion and hobby on writing, or better still as a business they want to grow, business that they can run from home. Similarly, blogging is something that you can start as long as you like to learn and share information. You can even start without spending so much capital.

Particularly, personal development blogging has many benefits that I have enjoyed, it does come with a price, time and energy to do it, but you can gain much by doing it with passion and persistence. I have not tasted the returns in terms of money but I do have tasted the benefit in terms of personal development and growth.

In this post, I will distribute the seven benefits of blogging into two areas, blogging as a hobby, and blogging as a business. Both will help you to your personal growth.

When blogging is your hobby

1. You’re becoming better at words

This is particularly useful for the introverts, introverts do complain on how they’re not so good with words, especially when they have to speak. Writing is much more comfortable because we can think without pressure for the right words to say, and also for the opportunity to undo the statements. Here is a quote from Robert Cornier that I read from the

The beautiful part of writing is that you don’t have to get it right the first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon. You can always do it better, find the exact word, the apt phrase, the leaping simile.

Robert Cormier

In a way, I started blogging as a channel for my passion to lead and create, passion for information-sharing, yet I’ve been baffled so many times by my limitation, especially the confidence in speaking and relating with people. Blogging in a way has helped me to use and think about putting the right words, sentences and grammars. As I am getting more comfortable with words, as I write, practically I am more comfortable to speak with words, soon the confidence will follow.

2. You declare your dream

Declaration is the insights I have got from T. Harv Eker, in his book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, it’s about how we can declare our dream, even when we have not achieved it. Why declaration is better? Because declaration is simply more accepted by our little voice, it’s easier to say, “I am in the process of being more generous” instead of “I am a generous person”.

Similarly, what I blog is the declaration, things that I’m dreaming to become, the right attitude to have, the right way to behave and the right thing to do. It’s true that writing is much easier than doing. But I also believe that “declaring” also means “pursuing”, as long as we never quit and give up, with time we are going to become a better person.

3. You remind yourself

It’s also a great step of becoming a better person, it is about learning from your failure. To learn, it’s not enough with a promise not to repeat only, we also need to make some actions to ensure that we really learn from our failure. Jonathan Frye from has shared some great insights about how writing can actually help, what you need to write is your action plan, what you have to do while you are facing the situation again.

Similarly, besides being a declaration, blogging will also make the principles and the things you share will actually sticks in your mind, you will remember it fully, and it will help you choosing to do the right things given the situation you face!

So,how about you?
For those who do not yet get involved in blogging world,what you are waiting for?

This is the time for you now to have a change!

To listen is to learn, and to understand is to inspire.

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